Welcome to Risk Pathway Consult!
Risk Path Way ConsultRisk Path Way ConsultRisk Path Way Consult
Accra,Ghana-West Africa
Risk Path Way ConsultRisk Path Way ConsultRisk Path Way Consult


Globally renowned

Rapidly becoming a globally renowned Risk Management Consulting Firm.

Professionalism & diligence

We are passionate in proving excellence throughout our projects.

Practical Solutions

We provide practical, simple and top-notch Risk Management Solutions

Looking for Professional Assistance On Your Research Needs?

We Are The Risk and Research Experts You Can Count On When It Comes To Minimizing Risk and Maximizing Profit.

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Happy Clients
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About Us

Risk Pathway Consult is made up of a group of consultants with broad experience and in-depth understanding in Risk Management.

In the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic, Risk Pathway Consult opened its doors to serve as a resource for Businesses seeking assistance in Risk Management Services to mitigate the risk of large losses, folding up and ensuring business continuity and sustenance. Risk Pathway Consult formally operationalized on the 5th of October 2020.

Our pricing is a tool that gives us a competitive advantage in the industry

In addition to our principal competence as skilled Risk and Research Professional and Experts, we also provide a variety of consulting services.

Risk Management Services

Research Services

Enterprise Resource Planning

We Are Incredible Risk and Research Experts

In meeting your requirements, we are the best Risk and Research Experts available. There are several Risk Management Experts across the globe, yet Risk Management is seen as an abstract and cumbersome process. This is because implementing a Risk Management Framework, Culture and Tools are challenging and need a practical and detailed approach applying all the relevant Risk Management Frameworks and Standards.

Why You Should Choose Us


We are passionate in proving excellence throughout our projects. We provide a feel of fineness processes giving clients a seasoning of global distinction and maximum value.


We provide our clients with the right requirements that meet the customer needs, international and professional standards.


We are committed to providing practical, detailed, integrated and complete services which ensures that all doubt are cleared, and all concerns are incorporated and properly addressed in the process.


Confidentiality is a requirement in the Risk Management profession. We ensure the ultimate confidentiality in our transactions with our clients. All information we discover during our service delivery remain confidential to guarantee the absolute interest of our clients.


We commit to completing jobs within the agreed timeline with our clients and providing the right scope of work and requirements.

Economical Pricing

Our pricing is a tool that gives us a competitive advantage in the industry. We ensure that our prices are very moderate compared to existing prices while providing our clients with exceptional quality.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)